The next nude on our list is by the firmly establishment figure of Sir Gerald Festus Kelly.

But here's a quick look at some of the other works in the UK that have a salacious or saucy history. There are private works not originally intended to be shown to the public, such as Goya's La Maya desnuda (The Naked Maja) and Courbet's L'Origine du monde (The Origin of the World) – both are now in major museums (the Prado and Musee D'Orsay respectively).

There are famous examples that caused a stir in public such as Manet's Olympia and the 1917 exhibition of Modigliani's works that was closed, supposedly due to the depiction of pubic hair. Artistic nudes have had a complicated history, tied up with the male gaze, the public perception of what was 'decent' at different times in history, religion, and plenty of other factors. Surely the Preston nude can't be the only one that caused some controversy at the time. There is no specific reaction recorded to this particular painting, but it set me wondering if this had been a common occurrence in galleries throughout the land. George Spencer Watson (1869–1934) Russell-Cotes Art Gallery & Museum