The 'Nature/Soft Occlusion' shaders need this information. When you place a model in that folder and reimport it, Unity will calculate soft ambient occlusion specialized for trees.

In order to use those shaders you also have to place the tree in a special folder that contains the name 'Ambient-Occlusion'. Trees must use the Nature/Soft Occlusion Leaves and Nature/Soft Occlusion Bark shader. Galaxy Life is a free to play strategy game that mixes traditional easy-to-play casual gameplay mechanics with touches of more traditional. Go and get the ultimative Galaxy Life for free to play! It belongs to the Genre Online Strategy Games and is a Flash Online Game. This game takes place in a distant galaxy.The best free games from all over the internet just for you. I found this on the Tree page, where it says: Turns out you just need to change the Shader to Nature/Soft Occlusion Bark Shader to fix the problem. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question. Read more about reopening questions here. Consider editing the question or leaving comments for improvement if you believe the question can be reworded to fit within the scope.

Questions on Stack Overflow are expected to relate to programming within the scope defined by the community. Liam McInroy Liam McInroy closed as off topic by podiluska, Richard M, Jürgen Thelen, AProgrammer, Anteru Aug 26 '12 at 10:10 The shader definitely seems to be the root of the issue, but Im just not sure how to fix it without using a different shader) > before and after (fyi the bark is not using the nature/occlusion shader. Gerber Accumark Crack File - Whisper of a Rose CD-Key FREE Activation Code KEYGEN Melrose is trapped. Gerber accumark Family Apparel Design 8.5 (Working crack with. 9.0 on windows 10 full with Accunest - 64bit full download key license FULL. Gerber Accumark professional edition 8.5.1 on windows 10 full with Accunest. Download Mirror 1 Mirror 2 Mirror 3 Mirror 4. Gerber Accumark full,Gerber Accumark serial key,Gerber Accumark full link,Gerber. Link download Gerber Accumark 8.5 Full: Crack Gerber Accumark Gerber AccuMark FULL SETUP ban nao co cai crack key accumark.

System Requirements for AccuNest Also, they're not casting shadows.Īnyone know how to fix this issue? Perhaps I need to use light probes? Or rather, when I tried baking with the trees set to static, they turned invisible, and now that Ive tried without, they're black. However, now that I have baked the lightmap, the trees have turned black. So, I have some custom trees using the 'Nature/Tree Soft Occlusion' shaders and they looked great before baking a lightmap. Archived Trees turn black after baking lightmap